Friday, May 23, 2008

Pretty Pretty Princess Poolside Tea Party!

Jessica just loved the Pretty Pretty Princess Poolside Tea Party play
set her mom got her. It was the best. It had everything from the TV
show! There was a tiara, a portable pool, a dress, and of course the
Magical Tea Set!
The Magical Tea Set was most important piece. Once she placed her
tiara on her head and wore her Pretty Pretty Princess dress, she could
fill the pool up with water. Once the pool was full, a small dose of
red food coloring will do in place of blood. Blood is so hard to come
by when you are eight. She settled down poolside with her Magical Tea
Set, and called forth to the dark beings that live beyond the black
corners of space. Their chariots of bone, blood, and fire tore across
the sky spewing ash, soot, and broken dreams into the children below.

Jessica laughed with glee. The Unpronounceable stepped down from his
smoldering chariot, knelt on one knee, and asked her bidding with a
guttural growl more felt than heard. Soot was getting caught in her
hair, but paid it no mind. She had seen Pretty Pretty Princess
Poolside Tea Party enough she knew what to do next. Dipping her cup
into the dark red water of the pool, she offered it to The
Unpronounceable. As the interdimensional being finished his blood tea,
she told what she needed him to accomplish. It never said a word, just
one nod of acceptance. It climbed aboard its chariot of doom leaving
only scorched earth behind.

Jessica laughed again knowing that Susan would never wear the same
thing she had worn again. She quickly looked at her watch, and
realizing that Pretty Pretty Princess Poolside Tea Party was about to
come on TV, she ran quickly inside to make sure she never missed a


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