Friday, December 14, 2007

THIS WEEK ON "Fashion Victim Catwalk"

Damien, what were you going for with this dress?

Well, I hate all women, so I was trying to make whichever woman wears this dress suffer.

I see . . .

So, we’ve got the tight collar cutting off circulation to the neck and head, respectively. The very loose waist makes even the slimmest woman look really, really, really fat. So, we’re doing damage to her psychologically as well as physically.

Now, explain this bleeding that’s going on with your model.

Okay, I started by keeping the pins in so she was constantly bleeding, but when I noticed it, I decided to go a little more extreme and I put inverted spikes into the arms. You know, spikes are really punk rock and I just wanted to make a statement that punk’s not really dead, it’s just wounded.

Interesting. That would explain why the model is crying.

No, actually, I doused the whole garment in pepper spray. It not only gave it a stained, urban look, but it kept that feeling of oppression hovering over whoever wore it.

Well, as a fellow gay, I can honestly say that this does it all for me. It keeps me better-looking than the any woman I’m near and it punishes her for my shortcomings. Nice work, Damien.



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