Halloween was always hard on Hector. He was from the “poor side of the tracks” as his schoolmates were apt to say, even though no train tracks lined the town. The dress-up day usually fell on the Friday before Halloween at Nankivell Elementary, and that meant that most of the more well-to-do kids had some pretty elaborate costumes on that particular day. Wile most of the school dressed up as Admiral Ackbars or fully-transforming Deceptacons, Hector found himself wearing whatever makeshift costume he could find in his widower father’s closet. For three years straight, regardless of the
That fateful Friday before Halloween was finally at hand. Colorful monsters and well-known
For the fifth straight year in a row, Hector received a “Worst Costume” ribbon for his efforts, and for the first time in five years, Hector felt the sting of it all.
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