Sunday, September 2, 2007

My Name Is Joe

    My name is Joe. I was stalking this babe the other day. Well, not really stalking I bumped in to her downtown the other day. Ever since then I have kept my eye open and I keep almost running into her. I haven’t got my nerve up enough to talk to her, yet.
    See, I was downtown last week at Lucy’s, great sandwiches by the way, and she came in to get a double frappa cappa chino something or other. So hot. Well yes the coffee was hot, but so was she. I had seen her the week before at the library. Then, I saw her two days later at the Rave in Hoover. I went to go see Transformers for the third time. I understand this might seem a tad dorky, but still, giant robots fighting each other while humans get in the way. I can’t get enough of it. Oh, back to her, I saw her go in before me. I couldn’t help myself. She went into the theatre showing Chuck and Larry. Damn it. Really do we need more, gay cowboy movies without cowboys or real gay guys?
    Now that brings us to where we are today. I saw you at Wal-Mart and waited until you left. I grabbed you and now you are in my basement. In just a minute I will turn around and we can finally talk face to face. I know you are excited to talk to me too. Now when I take that rag out of your mouth please don’t scream. That guy that was with you screamed look where it got him. All in pieces.
    You know, I love you. Now what is your name?




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