Sunday, December 16, 2007


     During a high fever, while at rehearsal for "Our American Cousin," Marv had let everyone in the cast know about the shallowness of his acting method, if you could call it a method.  After a simple note from the director about one of Marv’s line-readings, he had blurted out that he was "no fake" and that "whatever line came out of his mouth at a certain time would be the line that was appropriate for that particular time."  He was stretching the boundaries of what was considered "acting," he thought.  No thought, no prep, lines down, but coming out in whichever order he deemed necessary.  This unorthodox approach not only pissed off the director, who lobbed a quick "well, I hope you’re not trying to instill confidence in your fellow actors," but also his fellow actors, to the point where very few of them talked to him in the dressing room after the incident.
     Later, he would blame the outburst on a head cold, but deep in his gut, he knew that he’d meant every word.
     He hated actors. And even worse, he hated that he was one of them. 



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