Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The "C" word (232)

I was in Minneapolis visiting my best friend. His buddy Matthew was driving and along with the three of us, there were two other random guys in the car.
we arrived at what looked like an abandoned elementary school and went inside to find a waiting room, laid out like the waiting room in an emergency room. no one spoke it, but i somehow knew that this was the waiting room in a brothel of some sort. there were various women of indeterminate Asian origin wondering around and taking men from their seats. before my turn came, the place was swarmed with cops. i ran a few blocks and ended up in front of some store front club called- well, i should have written the name down when i got up to pee this morning, but i was positive that I'd remember it. it started with a "C". inside was small and there was a counter where the DJ stood spinning tunes for the 4 or 5 older people dressed in disco and cowboy clothes.
i somehow knew that if i stood outside this place, the guys would eventually find me. across the street was a Krystal's hamburger joint. it was dark and closed, but there was a semi transparent tent attached too the building full of loud guys. there was a sign that read 'late hours for college students.
Eventually the car with the guys pulled up and i got inside. we ended up at a restaurant that looked like a cross between a Wendy's and some old fashioned drive in. i tried to convince Matthew that we should listen to Morrisey.
i was jarred awake by a fit of choking and coughing. some stomach acid had made it way back into my throat, and was not making my night pleasant at all.
my girl wasn't awakened by this, so i went into the kitchen to see if there was something i could use to soothe the burning in my throat. i took a few swigs of egg nog which seemed to worked, then drifted back to sleep to dream about convincing the middle aged women customers at my day job to let me go down on them.


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