Tuesday, October 9, 2007


     Oh, ninjas.

     It’s not like I fight them everyday or anything. That would be downright weird, even I’ll admit. It’s bi-weekly at most. But, I don’t know. There’s just a really great feeling I get when I’m around them, bashing their little heads in. And, honestly, I make it sound worse than it actually is.

     Of course they always show up in 20’s or 30’s. These little, teeny guys trying so hard. And when they show, they really make their presence known. They’re all over me. Okay, I’m a big girl. 6’5". And I’ve got some serious thickness. But that’s why I get the job done. You don’t mess with Moxie.

     Hell, I almost welcome those little guys. Compared to those supervillain nutcases, I have to constantly tangle with, these guys are a treat. A delight, even. That’s what they are. A delight.

     Sure, I know that most of them are in the brawl just to cop a feel, but I really don’t mind. Hell, we can both is the action these days. It’s slim pickings out there in the crimefighter dating pool. What do I have to choose from? Red Razor and Doc Merlock. One never bathes and the other’s a fruit. So, I take pleasure where I can find it. And if one of those ninjas goes too far, out go the lights.

     I just think Asian men appreciate an independent, strong, buxom woman more than your average douchebag. And I got those qualities in spades.

     Jeez, I wish they’d come out and play tonight.



Blogger adam said...

They just dont make ninjas like they used to. I mean whaddya expect when you train with a ipod strapped to yer face. These kids know nothing about the art of concealment, its just chop chop kick to the face throw a star and get out. Silliness.

October 9, 2007 at 5:00 PM  

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