Wednesday, October 10, 2007


This will be the last thing I write on this Earth.

You will find 14 bodies here in the bunk beds. We have all been shaved and sterilized. Not an inch of hair can be on our bodies when we enter the Stream.

You will notice we all have matching turquoise jogging suits and Nike hightops on. Turquoise is the color of the Stream and we shall be running once we’ve entered it.

At the foot of each bunk bed are personal histories of each one of us in individual medial folders. No detail, no matter how small, has been left out. It is important for you to know what we were before we made the jump into higher consciousness.

All personal belongings were hermetically sealed in bags buried in the crawlspace beneath the house you are now standing in.

In the refrigerator you will find our urine. In the large utility cabinet you will find our hair, finger and toenail clippings.

If you are reading this and all of the above information is found to be true, we have successfully left our bodies and now reside in the Stream.

Although it is perfectly understandable that you may see fit to contact out families, we request that our bodies be cremated, regardless of our families’ wishes.

We are in the Stream now and that is all that is important.

Lastly, if you have found our bodies and have read this far, you most likely have not taken the time to notice the timing mechanism that was triggered once you entered the house, nor the plastique that is packed within its walls.

See you in the Stream.



Blogger adam said...

Do you remember going to swimming lessons at the Y? I was scared to death on the way every time, that water looked so deep. We heard Fleetwood Mac on the radio on the way and they made my stomach hurt for 20 years.

I dont wanna swim in the stream unless they play "Don't Stop"

October 10, 2007 at 4:55 PM  

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